Nara was one of my favorite parts of Japan when I visited a few years back. Thanks for the visual tour and the history lesson. There was a lot you shared I didn’t know!

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My pleasure. I knew much less about Japanese history going into this trip than I thought, and its political history, especially with its long period of samurai rule, is endlessly fascinating.

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Jun 17Liked by Michael Shapiro

All your posts are marvelous and/but I wanted to comment on this one because you may recall I grew up in Tokyo from 3rd grade to graduation and have such a nostalgic feeling about Japan - its beauty, its culture, its subtly in the midst of its quirkiness and glitz.

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Hi! So true. It's one of the most fascinating counties I've spent time in. The quirkiness and glitz sits on top of its deep rooted foundation in religion, scenic beauty, and pride. It's got a brutal history. Lots of war, both civil and international, but also a deep desire for peace. I've only begun to try to make sense of Japan. I look forward to chatting about it over a beer one of these days.

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Jun 17Liked by Michael Shapiro

What did you think about America-Mura? Did you get a sense of Japan's youth?

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Good question. I kind of left that hanging. Not really. It was a retail district with thrift stores and boutiques. Saw that type of area in most Japanese cities. But I just passed through. With more time spent, I might have come away with more insightful observations.

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Jun 17Liked by Michael Shapiro

It's certainly been cleaned up/gentrified somewhat in the last few years. I don't go there often, but it used to be one of the few places where (young Japanese) could be mugged (by other young Japanese). The annual Halloween festivities at Triangle Park seem to have become less raucous too.

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LOL, but not. I didn't witness any Japanese on Japanese crime, but only need to look to its centuries of civil war to know that muggings are merely the tip of the iceberg.

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Some great animals there - the deer, the giant fish and the huge cat statute! I hve never been to Japan but it looks fascinating.

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Indeed. Also lots of big black crows and lion statues outside of temples. And Shiba Inus on leashes.

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Ah they had those lions in myanmar too!

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That’s a country I hope to visit one day. 🙏🏼

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I regretted not having spent more time in Osaka. I like to hear you read the article! You do it well and it is a nice feature, maybe I will try to implement it too.

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Thanks. I use voice memo on my phone. If I mess up, I can easily pause and rerecord that section. Quality could be better, but does the trick for now.

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